eti-base-code-4-thisTo demonstrate our commitment to Ethical Trading, we’re breaking down each of the 9 Base Code Principles, outlined by the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) – a unique alliance of Companies, Trade Unions (TU) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), working in partnership to improve conditions for workers who provide goods to the UK & Ireland.

This week we’re focusing on ETI Base Code 4:

Child labour shall not be used:

4.1 There shall be no new recruitment of child labour.

4.2 Companies shall develop or participate in and contribute to policies and programmes which provide for the transition of any child found to be performing child labour to enable her or him to attend and remain in quality education until no longer a child; “child” and “child labour” being defined in the appendices.

4.3 Children and young persons under 18 shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions.

4.4 These policies and procedures shall conform to the provisions of the relevant ILO standards

eti-4Hardscape are working in partnership to improve conditions for workers who provide goods to the UK & Ireland. The ETI Base Code and ground truth process of implementaion are recognised by the UK Government and the UNHRC. This provides an assurance that graduated members are diligent to the requirements of section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in evidencing an ethical supply chain, and are operating within the Protect-Respect-Remedy framework of the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.

Hardscape’s commitment to the ETI will never allow work as means of repayment for a loan (bonded labour) to take place and ensures all of its staff are paid fairly. Workers are not required to lodge “deposits” or identity papers with their employer and are free to leave employment after reasonable notice. Read about Base Code Principle 2.