Hardscape are pleased to announce verification under BRE’s Ethical Labour Sourcing (ELS) Standard. BRE, an international, multi-disciplinary, building science organisation, developed the Standard BES 6002 in February 2017, in response to the 2015 Modern Slavery Act.

BES 6002: The Ethical Labour Sourcing Standard is a leading global compliance standard operated by BRE Global applicable to any company of any size who supply the Construction and Built sector. This BRE Environmental & Sustainability Standard specifies the requirements for an organisation to demonstrate ongoing commitments to the principles of ethical labour sourcing in relation to the sourcing of raw materials and the supply of finished products or services to the Construction & Built Environment or Industry.

The Ethical Labour Sourcing Standard, BES 6002, enables Hardscape to demonstrate to clients, partners and other stakeholders our Company’s commitment with demonstrable action to eliminate modern slavery and/or human trafficking and/or anti-corruption and/or specific environmental issues within Company operations and all tiers of the product supply chain.

Participant organisations are assessed on 12 issue areas: Organisational Structure, Management Structure, HR, Procurement, Bribery & Corruption, Forums, Management Policies, Immigration, Supply Chain Management, Learning & Development, Reporting and Assurance & Compliance.

Hardscape are therefore now entered on the BRE Global Greenbook Live as BES 6002 compliant.