Phase 1 of The Garden of phpyI2Kwy4037Reflection completes in July and will be a piece of stunning landscape artwork in the form of a contemporary garden located in the former kitchen garden which was once a derelict space, behind the famous well pools and under the gaze of Wells Cathedral, Somerset. Landscape Designers BCA Landscape have turned the area into a unique garden space of outstanding modern design and for the first time in many decades this area will be opened up to the public.

The garden will reflect the medieval buildings, landscape and heritage around it, as well as reach into the experience of Christian history for its inspiration.

Being under the gaze of the Cathedral, The Garden of Reflection is designed to give people space to explore their own spirituality, finding consolation, encouragement and hope to live richer and fuller lives. Hardscape supplied Neland Lussenburg clay pavers to this contemporary landscape scheme.

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