Work to overhaul Dundee City Square completed in the late summer with implementation of the £2.2m scheme to overhaul the existing public space with new paving, supplied by Hardscape, soft landscaping, lighting and drainage.

The new look square was designphpGx9v1a5298ed in-house by Dundee City Council’s City Development Department and delivered by Tayside Contracts and Kilmac Construction. Will Dawson, convener of Dundee City Council’s City Dev Committee said, “City Square has always been a gathering place and with these improvements it will be able to provide upgraded facilities for market stalls which can be used at events such as the successful monthly Farmers’ Market.

As well as the environmental improvements the important nature of these works will also safeguard the square for future generations through improved drainage and work on waterproofing the roof of the underground garage.” An addition to the square also, unveiled in 2001, is a bronze statue of Desperate Dan, the lantern-jawed hero of children’s comic the Dandy (he’s clutching a copy in his right hand), which has been published in Dundee since 1937.

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