Ethical Trading Initiative

Ethical Trading Initiative logo

Hardscape is proud to be a member of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), a leading alliance of trade unions, NGOs, and businesses, working together to advance human rights in global supply chains. Since 1988, the ETI and its members have been a driving force in tackling human rights issues.

ETI influences business to act responsibly and promote decent work. Taking a unique approach to business and human rights, ETI’s members work together to tackle the complex challenges of today’s global supply chains, improving the lives of workers worldwide.

As an ETI member we commit to the ETI Base Code and are supported by ETI to continuously improve our approach to tackling human rights issues in our supply chains, taking collective action on systemic issues, and creating an enabling environment for workers.

Hardscape are full members within ETI where upon we require our supply chain partners to adopt the 9 Base Code Principles which are:

  1. No forced labour.
  2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected.
  3. Safe and hygienic working conditions.
  4. Child labour shall not be used.
  5. Living wages are paid.
  6. Working hours are not excessive.
  7. No discrimination is practiced.
  8. Regular employment is provided.
  9. No harsh or inhumane treatment.

Full members are required to meet the ETI Corporate Transparency Framework requirements which set out what we report on publicly in relation to our supply chains. Our aim is for all our suppliers to have effective measures in place to ensure and demonstrate that none of the base code principles are breached. We do this by working with NGO’s, Unions, and directly with the Suppliers to review and audit their practices and conditions and identifying salient ethical risks. We will create meaningful actions to mitigate risks or remedy where abuses occur. We will create or maintain reporting mechanisms for employees, where any concerns can be raised freely without the fear of repercussions.

Our KPI target will be for every active supplier to demonstrate compliance and commitment to the base code principles, and they must all sign up to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

We aim to achieve 50% of ethical compliance evaluations each year, with each active supplier maintaining a low Ethical Risk evaluation score every 2 years. This evaluation is scored on risk-based measurement process, maintained by Senior management, and  reviewed monthly by Directors.

Please find our Modern Slavery and Ethical Trading Statement here.

Modern Slavery

We are compliant with the Annual reporting and adherence to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We have voluntarily published our Modern Slavery Policy and Statement annually since 2017, and it fully aligns with all best practices as stated on the Modern slavery statement registry guidance.

Our commitment to Modern Slavery abolition has been underpinned with our membership of the Ethical Trade Initiative, of which we are an Achiever member, and proud of our development work to support and educate our customers, suppliers, and partners in our zero-tolerance policy to unethical practices.

Please find our Modern Slavery and Ethical Trading Statement here.

The Ethical Stone Register

We are members of the Stone Federation of Great Britain and have demonstrated our commitment to the Stone Federation Responsible Sourcing Pledge and Sustainability Statement, by proudly adding our name to the Ethical Stone Register.

There are three tiers of membership of the Register, Declaration, Verification and Accreditation and the requirements of each level are explained here.

Shipping and The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is an international trade union federation of 670 transport workers’ unions, representing over 18 million transport workers from some 147 countries. It is one of several Global Federation Unions allied with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

The aims of the ITF are:

  • to promote respect for trade union and human rights worldwide.
  • to work for peace based on social justice and economic progress.
  • to help its affiliated unions defend the interests of their members.
  • to provide research and information services to its affiliates.
  • to provide general assistance to transport workers in difficulty.

The ITF represents the interests of transport workers’ unions in bodies which take decisions affecting jobs, employment conditions or safety in the transport industry, such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

The ITF organises international solidarity when transport unions in one country conflict with employers or government and need direct help from unions in other countries. Solidarity needed can range from protest messages, demonstrations, and political pressure, to direct industrial action in the form of strikes, boycotts etc. The ITF runs a worldwide campaign in the maritime industry against the use by ship owners of Flags of Convenience (FOCs) to escape from national laws and national unions.

Hardscape works with the ITF, Shipping Agents, Port Authorities, and Shipping companies to monitor the status and working conditions of all vessels used by Hardscape. We are committed to achieving full compliance to suitable National Rules which apply, and ITF agreements to be in place where Flags of Convenience may be used. We are currently at 96% of our target of 100% compliance.

Please find our Modern Slavery and Ethical Trading Statement here.


Hardscape | Commercial Stone & Paving
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